Friday, October 16, 2009

Apple - symbol of youthfulness

Apples and mithology

Idun and the Apples (1890) by J. Doyle Penrose.

In Norse mythology, Iðunn (also Idun, Iduna, Idunn) was the goddess of youth, fertility and death. She was the wife of Bragi, god of poetry. Idun was the keeper of the apples which kept the youthful gods forever that way. Her name means "eternal youthfulness", "ever young" or "rejuvenator" or "the rejuvenating one".

More for those who likes mythology:

In the world of fruit production, apple ranks second place after the grapes. But even apple is considered as very healthy fruit, its medicinal benefits are not sufficiently known. And apple is an excellent therapeutic remedy, worthy of wider dissemination. Its medicinal properties determine the components of which the most important are potassium, and other bioelements, pectin, organic acids and vitamins, mainly C.

Medicinal Properties
Apple strengthens muscles and nervous system, working diuretic, refreshing, thanks to pektin lowers cholesterol in blood, protects the gastrointestinal tract, has a stimulatory effect on function of the liver and reduces its congestion, has a cleansing effect on the blood, tissue weight loss.
Apple pectin regulates intestinal bacterial flora, neutralizes toxic substances, dissolves cholesterol, binds radioactive cobalt, strontium and lead, stimulates the secretion of uric acid by the kidneys.
Calcium and silicon from skins of apples act positively on the hair and nails.

Indications Treatment
Anemia, arthritis, insomnia, stomach pain, pregnancy, gout, bronchial ailments, intestinal infections, atherosclerosis, hypertension, excessive filling of blood vessels, the shortage of minerals, nervousness, cold sores, impaired physical and mental overweight , fatigue, convalescence, rheumatism, diarrhea, chronic liver disease, myocardial disease, oliguria, fevers, persistent headache, constipation, heart attacks.

Apple, Apple -song
(tune: Twinkle, twinkle little star)

Apple, apple on the tree,
I know that you are good for me.
You are fun to munch and crunch
For a snack and for my lunch.
Apple, apple on the tree,

I know that you are good for me.

Apple always is my favorite fruit. This is truly a gift from heaven! I like the genuinely natural smell, taste and vibrant colors. Not only does it taste delicious, but also has a marvelous effect on our nervous system and help prevent premature aging.
Taste apples every day and rejuvenate, energize your body!


Wishing you health and happiness!

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Thank You!

I'm sorry that I closed the comments section. That is because of my constant lack of time. Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there. ***** I wish you All much health, love and happiness!

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