For the first time in my life my appetite was gone. I couldn't look at food, even the smell of it made me nauseous. It felt like torture even though there was no pain. Never before, even when I was sick, had I felt this disgust for food.
I felt horrible and day after day I was becoming weaker. At this point I felt very strongly that my life was coming to an end.
It turned out that I had an advanced stage of cancer (more on this later). In short, the only option I was given was - chemotherapy.
Fortunately I decided not to choose chemotherapy (thanks to a few supportive people).
So, what did I do?
Almost everything that Gerson's Therapy suggests. Of course at that time I hadn't heard about him or his therapy. I did what my instincts told me to do based on the knowledge I had at that time.
After 3 months I felt like I was getting my life back. My medical results slowly started to improve. At the end my doctor told me that my results are fantastic. I felt great too. In my doctors opinion if my cancer didn't come back within the year it would mean that I am cancer free.
Like I mentioned before, this happened 18 years ago.
Few days ago by accident (there are no accidents) I came across a book and a film about Dr. Gerson's therapy.
I was very surprised that after all this time, this is the first time I had heard about this therapy, unknowingly this therapy saved my life.
It felt like I was reading about myself.
I immediately decided to share this with everyone. Who knows who could benefit from this information.
I would very much like to recommend this film, the link is below. It takes about 90 min, but it is worth it.
Your time will not be wasted.
This film can be watched in segments, when it is convenient for you.