Sunday, November 28, 2010

Searching for happiness...

Do not look for your happiness around.
Searching for the best method / way of  life / wisdom / happiness/
is like a journey to the unknown ....

You might travel through half of the world, and finally, when you are ready to go home - you could suddenly realize you have got no money for coming back, you have lost your wallet and all the documents.... and suitcase you are carrying is not yours.

The old legend says that when the gods created the man, he seemed to be too fractious and independent for them . As a punishment, they decided to hide 'happiness' from him. One of the gods suggested that they should hide it in the bottom of the deepest ocean. Another would choose the highest mountain. Eventually they came to the conclusion that the best place to hide hapiness is man`s deep inside. They thought he would never look for it there....

The man, however, is totally unpredictible creature. There were some who have looked into themselves. And although there was a terrifying darkness, they had found the light. Men finally discovered their power, their potential - their joy and happiness.

They found out that the only limit for oneself is... oneself .

Do not look for your happiness anywhere around you, it is already ... in you.
Happiness will become still in your heart, if you only have courage to search for it.
Remember, everything you need is at your fingertips.
Photo: Magical Graphics
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Thank You!

I'm sorry that I closed the comments section. That is because of my constant lack of time. Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there. ***** I wish you All much health, love and happiness!

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