Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cancer: It's Not What You Think...

Part 1.
Food for thought: Cancer 'is purely man-made' say scientists after finding almost no trace of disease in Egyptian mummies * So..the "Race for the Cure" should send us "Back to the Basics", and rethink what we believe Cancer is, what causes it, and how to prevent and treat it. ** Join Dr. Jeff and Chaim as they discuss "Cancer: It's Not What You Think" *** Topics covered: * History of Cancer * Cancer Today * What Johns Hopkins Says About Cancer and Medical Treatments * What Creates and Feeds Cancer * And More...

Part 2.
Cancer rates have been on the rise for the past 100 years. It is now estimated that more than 40% of all Americans will develop life-threatening cancer. does the “Cancer industry” continue to delude the public into their failing treatments? * The "Race for the Cure" should send us "Back to the Basics", and rethink what we believe Cancer is, what causes it, and how to prevent and treat it. ** Join Dr. Jeff and Chaim as they continue the discussion from last week's show: "Cancer: It's Not What You Think, Part 2" *** Topics covered: * How Modern Medicine Treats Cancer…and Its Results * What “They” Think of Natural/Non-Toxic Treatments * How “Modern Living” Causes Cancer * Are Cancer’s Different? * The Natural/Non-Toxic Approach to Cancer * And More...

Part 3.
The official "War on Cancer" has now been waged for 40 years with untold billions of dollars spent, and yet cancer rates have risen! * The "Race for the Cure" should send us "Back to the Basics", and rethink what we believe Cancer is, what causes it, and how to prevent and treat it. ** Join Dr. Jeff and Chaim as they continue the discussion from Parts 1 and 2 with: "Cancer: It's Not What You Think, Part 3" *** Topics covered: * Common causes of cancer, including the “Dirty Dozen” Consumer Products * All-Too Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy * Non-toxic Alternative Cancer Treatments, including Protocel, Cesium, Herbal, B17, Rife and others * Why the non-toxic approach to treating cancer is so superior * And More...

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I'm sorry that I closed the comments section. That is because of my constant lack of time. Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there. ***** I wish you All much health, love and happiness!

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